Take care of your skin in summer with Aloe vera

Summer is the perfect season to enjoy the sun, the beach and outdoor activities. However, it is also the time when the skin is most exposed to harmful UV rays. Finding the right protection is essential to keep your skin healthy and radiant. Did you know that Aloe vera can be the best ally for your skin this summer?

Benefits of Aloe vera for sun-exposed skin

1. Deep hydration: Aloe vera is known for its ability to deeply hydrate the skin. This is especially beneficial during the summer when the sun and salty water can dehydrate and dry out the skin.

2. Soothing properties: After a day in the sun, Aloe vera can soothe and refresh irritated skin. Its anti-inflammatory properties help reduce redness and inflammation caused by sun exposure.

3. Rich in antioxidants: Aloe vera is full of antioxidants such as vitamins C and E, which help combat free radicals generated by sun exposure. This not only protects the skin, but also prevents premature ageing.

4. Stimulates cellular regeneration: Aloe vera promotes cellular regeneration, helping to repair sun-damaged skin. This is crucial for keeping the skin smooth and free from long-term damage.

How to use Aloe vera as a sunscreen

Although Aloe vera is excellent for soothing and repairing skin after sun exposure, it does not replace conventional sunscreen. However, it can complement your sun protection routine in the following ways:

1. Before sun exposure: Apply a layer of Aloe vera gel before your usual sunscreen. This will provide extra hydration and a layer of defense against the dehydrating effects of the sun.

2. After sun exposure: Use pure Aloe vera gel as an aftersun to soothe and repair the skin. Apply it generously to sun-exposed areas to reduce irritation and promote healing.

Incorporating Aloe vera into your summer routine

To make the most of Aloe vera’s benefits during the summer, consider these practical tips:

- Pure Aloe vera gel: Always keep a bottle of pure Aloe vera gel at hand. Make sure it is as natural as possible and cold-stabilised to better retain its properties.

- Refreshing beverages: Stay hydrated from the inside with natural drinks or plenty of water. This will not only refresh you but also benefit your skin.

- Aloe vera products: Look for skincare products that contain Aloe vera as a main ingredient. Facial creams, lotions, and hydrating or aftersun gels can provide extra protection and care.


Aloe vera is a versatile and powerful ingredient that can significantly enhance your summer skincare routine.