How to take care of your skin when you work out

Did you know that your skin also needs specific care before and after a workout?

When we sweat, our pores open, we eliminate toxins and our skin dehydrates, so we need to take measures to return it to its original state. That's why, if you usually practice sport, the best thing to do is to follow the tips below to keep your skin in perfect condition.


Benefits for the skin when working out


1. Sweating helps eliminate toxins: When you exercise you sweat, a natural way to cleanse the skin by expelling accumulated toxins. As body temperature rises, pores dilate and exude the dirt and dead cells contained in the skin of the face and body. In this way we also contribute to relieve and prevent the appearance of acne.

2. Stimulates blood circulation: The improvement of blood circulation leads to the prevention of varicose veins and the appearance of spider veins that disfigure the skin and can be a symptom of a cardiovascular problem. In addition, during exercise we burn fat from our body, and after practicing it, (especially if it is intense) the body continues to burn fat for hours, so if we combine it with a good anti-cellulite or reducer, we will enhance its effect. 

3. Combats stress: When we work out, the body releases endorphins. This helps to fight stress that damages the skin, as it is considered one of the causes of acne, bags and dark circles under the eyes caused by lack of sleep and rest, among other things.

4. Muscle strengthening: Exercise builds up the muscles, tones them up and increases the muscle mass, so that they support the skin better and the skin remains firmer, smoother and more elastic, better combating the loss of elasticity and firmness brought on by age.

5. Improves skin appearance: It has been proven that exercise improves the immune system, activates the intestinal transit, contributes to the elimination of liquids and decreases the secretion of insulin, which, according to some studies, fights the destruction of collagen that occurs when these levels are high. All of this has a direct impact on a person's physical wellbeing, which is directly related to the good appearance of their skin.


Skin care tips before working out:


1. Be clean: Clean the skin with a soap-free foaming gel, as sweat also removes a lot of waste substances. Before exercise, it serves to drain the secretion of sweat well.  If the skin is not cleaned before sport, impurities or pimples may appear.

2. Avoid using make-up: It is important to bear in mind that it is best to train with a clean and make-up free face. As your body warms up during training, your pores open up and it is not a good idea to let makeup sit in your pores, your skin should breathe.

Still, we understand that some people are not completely comfortable going out with their faces uncovered. In this case, it is important to look for makeup that does not clog the pores (non-comedogenic product).

3. Protect your skin from the sun and cold: We recommend that you use UV protection with a protection factor of 30 or more and lip balms that protect your skin, not only from possible burns, but also from the dehydration caused by the cold. Keep in mind that sun protection is very important when doing sports outdoors. We may not be as aware as we are in summer but the sun impacts on our skin constantly while we ski, bike or run outdoors. Our advice is to use one that is water and sweat resistant. And if you're going to spend all day working out, don't forget to replace the application so you're protected all day long.

For swimming, both at sea and in the pool, look for SPF 50+ sun protection. For young children or sensitive skin, physical or mineral protection is recommended, as it creates an external barrier and no chemicals are absorbed through the skin. There are also special swimsuits and T-shirts with UV protection for water sports, which are very interesting to avoid sun damage.

4. Avoid having your hair loose: Always make a ponytail. If you leave your hair down, the natural oils (plus the products you have applied to your hair), when you sweat, can penetrate your face and body, causing your pores to get clogged and acne breakouts to appear. So next time you go to the gym, make a ponytail and pick up your bangs. 

5. Don't forget to protect the wounds: If you have any superficial wounds, it is essential to cover them with a breathable fabric dressing. In areas susceptible to chafing we can apply Vaseline to avoid irritation with movement. Areas vulnerable to blisters (heels, soles) should also be protected with Compeed type silicone dressings. 

6. Use breathable clothing: Sportswear should be made of a breathable, lightweight fabric with a minimum of seams to avoid rubbing, and of an appropriate thickness depending on the outside temperature. In the case of outdoor sports, take into account the cold or heat, using in the case of the former, thermal underwear and a breathable outer layer. In case of wind or rain, the outermost layer must be waterproof and windproof, but at the same time with openings to allow perspiration. It is important to start the sport with the minimum possible coat, with a bit of cold, as we will soon be warm. If we start out warm, we will sweat immediately, it will be uncomfortable and when we stop we will catch cold more quickly.


Skin care tips after working out:


1. Take a cold shower: This step may seem obvious, but it is important to use the right temperature. Cold water will help close all the pores. Otherwise, it only dries out the external layer of the skin. Also, this will stimulate the blood flow and help you rest better at night.

2. Facial cleaning: After a day of gymnastics is the perfect time to do a complete facial cleaning: cleansing milk, tonic, serum, masks and other products will be extremely important.

3. Avoid the appearance of acne: To avoid blemishes and redness due to dehydration or acne reactions from sweating, use a cream with mandelic and salicylic acid that will help to care for the skin. Salicylic acid is one of the natural components of Aloe vera gel. Thanks to the moisturizing gel your skin recovers the nutrients and moisture lost during exercise. And, of course, it goes without saying that you should not only apply it to your face, but also to the rest of your body, especially your hands and feet.

4. Take care of your scalp: Skin is not the only thing that suffers after hours of training. The scalp also suffers (and a lot) with the combination of sweat and products that we have previously applied such as lacquers or fixatives. When you get home, rinse it off with cold water and use Lanzaloe Shampoo to nourish it and give it the shine it needs. This will stimulate the blood flow and prevent the accumulation of fat in the hair.

5. Exfoliate your feet: Your feet support the weight of your entire body and when you exercise they are one of the areas that suffers the most. Corns, blisters, skin and a host of other problems can appear sooner than expected if we don't remedy them in time. To prevent your feet from suffering, we recommend that you apply a good foot cream after each training session.