Aloe vera and sunburns: Benefits and use

Aloe vera is known for its healing properties and is an effective natural remedy for treating sunburns. At Lanzaloe, we specialize in cosmetic products with Aloe vera as the main ingredient, and we want to share with you how you can use this incredible ingredient to soothe and heal your skin after excessive sun exposure.


Benefits of Aloe vera for sunburns


Aloe vera is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidant compounds that help soothe and repair sun-damaged skin. Its benefits include:

1. Anti-inflammatory properties: Aloe vera contains compounds like bradykinase, which reduce inflammation and redness of the skin. This provides immediate relief to irritated and sunburned skin.

2. Deep hydration: With a high water content, Aloe vera can penetrate into the deepest layers of the skin, providing intense hydration. This not only alleviates the feeling of dryness, but also prevents peeling that usually follows sunburns.

3. Wound healing stimulation: The polysaccharides present in Aloe vera, such as acemannan, play a crucial role in cell regeneration. These compounds promote the repair of damaged tissues and speed up the healing process, helping the skin to recover more quickly.

4. Analgesic properties: Aloe vera contains salicylic acid, which acts as a natural analgesic. This helps relieve the pain and burning sensation associated with sunburns, providing additional comfort to the affected skin.

5. Antioxidant protection: Sun exposure can cause oxidative damage to the skin. Aloe vera is rich in antioxidants such as vitamins C and E, which neutralize free radicals and protect the skin against future damage.

6. Antibacterial and antifungal properties: Aloe vera also has antibacterial and antifungal properties, which help prevent infections in damaged skin. This is particularly useful if sunburns have caused blisters or breaks in the skin.


Steps to use Aloe vera for sunburns


1. Clean the affected area: Before applying any product, it is essential to clean the sunburned skin with cold water and a mild soap to remove any sand, salt, or sweat residue.

2. Apply Pure Aloe vera gel: Use pure Aloe vera gel, preferably extracted directly from the plant. If you do not have access to an Aloe vera plant, ensure that the gel you use is 100% pure. At Lanzaloe, we offer high-quality Aloe vera gels such as the Pure Ecological Aloe vera Gel.

3. Repeat the application several times a day: For best results, apply the gel several times a day. Regular application helps keep the skin hydrated and speeds up the healing process.

4. Hydrate properly: In addition to using Aloe vera gel, it is important to keep the skin well hydrated by drinking enough water and using moisturising gels or creams such as the Aloe vera Moisturising gel  or the Bio-Moisturising Aloe vera Cream.

5. Avoid sun exposure: While your skin is recovering, avoid sun exposure to prevent further damage. Wear protective clothing and seek shade whenever possible.


Additional tips

Cold compresses: Applying cold compresses to the affected area can provide additional relief.

Avoid scratching: Although the skin may itch while healing, avoid scratching to prevent further damage.

Consult a doctor: If sunburns are severe or if you experience symptoms such as large blisters, fever, or intense pain, consult a health professional.


Aloe vera is a natural and effective remedy for treating sunburns. Its ability to soothe, hydrate, and repair the skin makes it an essential ingredient in any post-suncare routine. At Lanzaloe, we are proud to offer high-quality products with Aloe vera that will help keep your skin healthy and radiant. You can visit our online store to find out more about our products and their benefits.